Credit Cards Processing

Reachii helps small to medium businesses take card

payments from their customers securely, simply and reliably.

Credit Cards Processing


Our Devices

Find a terminal that suits your type of business, take advantage of our secure and simple mobile credit card processing solutions Reachii are the perfect solution for your business.

Application Process

Reachii simplifies your credit card processing application, offering low cost base rates and access to rewards that boost business.

Main Services

Reachii is a premier provider of online credit card processing solutions for business. With our solutions we can help you accept payments with confidence regardless of your industry.

Our Devices

Z11 Tri Comm Touch Screen

QD2 Mobile Wireless Android

Bluetooth, WiFi & 4G


QD4 Desktop Android

Bluetooth, IP & WiFi

Our Main Service

Merchant Service Provider

Tiered Pricing Model

The original method of pricing: rates for standard cards and downgrades. The least expenses for the merchant if merchant is taking standard credit cards.

Interchange Rate

This income that we receive remains constant for the term of the contract. Rate adjustments are generated by the card associations.


Initiated by Reachii for the nail salon industry to make reading the statement easier and simple rates.

Cash Discount Program

Discount for the use of cash checks. Transfers merchant feed to consumer